Friday Called

“Wine doesn’t judge. Wine understands.” I’m sure someone credits these words to Socrates or Confucius in an effort to sound somewhat wiser. But if we are all being honest with ourselves, we know deep down that a mom in her 30s probably thought it up.

And it makes sense: sometimes after a day of people-ing all you want is a little grace coupled with solitude. Wine can provide that. The thoughtful bottle selection, the twist of the corkscrew, the pop of a cork, the glug-glug-glug bass that comes with pouring the first glass…all leading to that first sip is therapeutic in and of itself.

Even just the anticipation of unwinding can put us in a state of ease. So, hold on for one more day (whoa, unintentional Wilson Phillips shoutout), and take note from a friend, Friday. Sounds like she knows just what to do.

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